
Random ramblings in a bid to stay sane


Posts Tagged ‘Discworld’

Please don’t let it be Nobby Nobbs

Chatting last week with Graeme, a friend from work, the topic of conversation got round to Terry Pratchett. As always this ends up with a round of ‘if your work colleagues were a character from the Discworld who would they be?’.

The Patrician, Librarian, Foul ole Ron and CMOT Dibbler instantly spring to mind.

So, to all those Pratchett fans out there who do you think best describes you? Do you see yourself as Bloody Stupid Johnson, Twoflower, a wizzard of Unseen University or, dread the thought, Nobby Nobbs!

I’d see myself as the Bursar – feed me a few dried frog pills and you may just get some sense out of me, otherwise just give me something shinny to play with and i’ll keep myself amused.